“Resilience, self-reliance, empathy – these are just a few of the qualities the Vashon Wilderness Program inspired in our daughter. We want all children to experience the freedom and exhilaration of playing and learning among friends in the forest, to feel the excitement for life and self-confidence rise from within. This is why we have continued to support this program for over 15 years and encourage others to donate generously to provide scholarships for children who all deserve a nature-connection!”
~ Jeff & Kathryn Payne
“My grandchildren led me to VWP back in 2013, and I’ve experienced how instrumental they are in helping children form awareness, reverence, and connection with the natural world. I decided to become a Sustaining Donor because I know I can help change a child’s life through VWP. It was easy to set up an automatic monthly contribution through my credit card, and let VWP know they can count on it every month. I’m so pleased my donation helps ensure that their programs are available to every family!”
~ Colleen Brooks
“The best hours of my days are spent outside - searching for salmon or mushrooms, walking in the forest or kayaking Quartermaster, watching ravens overhead or bees on the hyssop. We support Vashon Wilderness Program because they teach children and young adults how to thrive out of doors and will inspire them to maintain our wilds.”
~ Elizabeth & Deborah
Elizabeth is on the left, Deborah is on the right
"As parents, we have chosen to honor our children’s inherently wild side by supporting their need to foster a relationship with the natural world. The VWP community, the amazing teachers, and the elders who continue to guide us all, is a beautiful reminder of our true purpose—to love, learn from, and live in our natural world. We are all better for it."
~ Brenna and Jean-David Larson